Wednesday, November 18, 2009

eating etiquette

Il y a beaucoup de différences entre les manières de table française et les questions de table anglaise. En Amérique le c'est inacceptable pour mettre vos mains sur la table, mais en France il est considéré impoli de ne pas mettre votre main sur la table. Si quelqu'un dit la passe le sel, en Amérique vous passez le sel et le poivre, et en France, vous passez seulement le sel.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

french food

Escargot is a french delicacy. It is quite a legthy process for the snails to go through be able to eat. First the snails have to be purged. The purging process takes 7-10 days and it is done by placing the snails in a wooden box and washed with salt water everyday. It is not very safe to eat wild snails because their toxicity depends on what they eat. If the snail has been eating wolvesbane then it will be toxic, but if it has been eating grass they are good to eat. It is very risky to eat wild snails. Escargot is served in there shells after they have been sterilized. It is often served with butter and garlic.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

school, thanksgiving, family

there are 5 and 1/2 weeks of school left in the semester. It is starting to become very crazy! I cannnot wait until Thanksgiving! I will be able to see some of my family that I have not been able to see since my freshman year at Thanksgiving. Some of them I will be able to communicate better with. My uncle Richard does not speak English well, he is fluent in french. I will be able to talk to him better this year because of my french class. I am really looking forward to speaking french with my family over the dinner table.